UV-Tech Sanitizer Touchless

UV – C lamp offering which uses the UV- band to disinfect the products exposed to it. The UV Lamps based disinfection unit can be used in Homes/Retail/Offices conveniently within 2 to 8 minutes. It kills 99.99% Germs when used for the recommended time. It can be used to disinfect a wide variety of products such as keys, hand bags, clutches, wallets, watches, rings, chains, combs, sunglasses, packaged foods, fruits & vegetables, milk packets, toys & bottles, instruments, currency notes, bill books, mobile phones, remotes, laptops, power banks etc. Special material used in the unit reflects light ensuring almost uniform disinfection over the objects. Auto cut off of the UV Lamps if the door is opened while the unit is functioning making it safe for human use.
About this item
- Complete touch less.
- Light On, Germs Gone! ; Capacity: 30 Litres
- Disinfects 99.99% Germs.
- Includes: 1 Disinfection System( containing 2 nos 11w UV Lamp 1 nos Tray).
- Ultrasonic sensor based tray motion.
- At mega microcontroller included for enhanced performance and customization.
- Many additional safety features included.
- Visual display and variable timer settings also available.
Developed By:

Dr. Sumit Roy

Dr. Hemlata Sinha
3D Printer

Working: In this 3D Printer, we are using the Internet of Things to automize the controlling system and to monitor the printing product from anywhere in the world. We are using alternate components which have low cost, greater strength, good workability etc.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=390647855135808
Technology Used:
- Anet Control System With SD Card
- Nema 17
- Single Nozzle
- Relay Module
- Node MCU ESP 8266
- Wi-Fi Camera
- Mobile App for IOT system
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Aashish Sahu

Pratyush Janghel

Sankalp Sharma

Shubham Rathore
Automatic Curtain System

Automatic Curtain System is based on the principle that a specific signal can be transmitted by Radio Frequency (RF) with the help of RF Transmitter and Receiver.
The signal which we want to send is Encoded by the Encoder IC HT12E and transmitted by RF transmitter.
This signal is Received by the RF Receiver and is Decoded by the Decoder IC HT12E and then it is given to the L293D Motor Driver to operate the Motor which operates the Curtain through Belt and Pulley .
- 9V/12V and 1amp Power Supply
- 7805 for converting 12V to 5V
- HT12E and HT12D
- 433 MHz RF Transmitter and Receiver
- L293D Motor Driver
- Motor, Pulley, Belt, Case Cover
- Push buttons and LEDs , DIP switch
Developed By:

Atul Chakrawarti
Assistance Professor Mechanical department

Arun Kumar
Automation Project Er Mechanical Department
Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser

An automatic hand sanitizer dispensing machine isAutomated, non contact, alcohol based hand sanitizer dispenser, which finds it’s use in hospitals, work places, offices, schools and much more. Alcohol is basically a solvent, and also a very good disinfectant when compared to liquid soap or solid soap, also it does not need water to wash off since it is volatile and vaporizes instantly after application to hands. It is also proven that a concentration of >70% alcohol can kill Coronavirus in hands. Here, an ultrasonic sensor senses the hand placed near it, the Arduino uno is used as a microcontroller, which senses the distance and the result is the pump running to pump out the hand sanitizer.
- Arduino uno
- Motor driver
- Pump
- 12 V adapter
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Alcohol based sanitizer
- Body cover
- Switches and Leds
Developed By:

Arun Kumar
Automation Project Er Mechanical Department
Blind Stick

Working: This “Blind stick “, detects an object in its vicinity range using Ultrasonic sensor. The Buzzer will beep automatically when any object is less than 1 meter and blind person can change his direction
Technology Used:
- Arduino nano
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Passive Buzzer
- led
- Switch
- Simple 9v Battery
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Vivek Sahu

Rohit Verma
Electric Bike

- 1200 watt motor
- 22 Ah Li-ion battery
- 100km running in a full charge
- Reduction gear mechanism
- IOT controlled Bike
Home Automation
Working: Voice control home automation allows to control household electrical appliances like light, fan etc.The main objective of home automation is to help handicapped and old aged people who will enable them to control home appliances.
Technology Used:
- Node MCU ESP 8266
- Google Voice
- Relay Module
- 12 v Adapter
- Mobile Application
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Mohaneesh Dewangan

Arun Kumar

Seemant Soni
Portable Air Conditioner

Working: A portable air conditioner (PAC) is a self-contained portable system ideal for cooling single rooms. They typically sit on the floor and come with an installation kit for quick set up. Most models also have wheels so you can move them to different rooms, making them a nice alternative to window units.
Technology Used:
- 1 Ton Rotary Compressor
- 12 /10 inch AC Coil (Evaporator)
- 13/14 AC Coil (Condenser)
- RR22 Refrigerant
- 24 cm High Speed Fan
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Mohaneesh Dewangan

Arun Kumar

Aashish Sahu

Pratyush Janghel
Active Prosthetic Arm

Working: Active Prosthetic Arm applicable for those who don’t have palm, finger or forearm. The sensor senses the muscles/nerves minute movement and sends the electric signal to the controller, which in result moves fingers using string and motor combination.
Technology Used:
- Arduino Uno Board
- MG 995 Servo Motor
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Pressure Sensor
- Flex Sensor
- Gyroscope Module
- Li-po Battery
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Mohaneesh Dewangan

Aashish Sahu

Pratyush Janghel
Smart Dustbin

Working: This "Smart Dustbin", detects an object in its vicinity range using Ultrasonic sensor. The lid will open automatically for 06 seconds and closes itself.
Link: https://youtu.be/Vcm0lZwgExc
Technology Used:
- Arduino Uno Board
- MG 995 Servo Motor
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- ON/OFF Switch
- Li-Po 9VBattery
Guided By: Mr. Pradeep Sahu
Developed By:

Arun Kumar
Sanitizing Tunnel
Direct Splash Face Shield
Touch Less (Automatic) Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
Semi Automatic Ventilator
Blind Boot an Application of IoT for Physically Challenged People

This project is basically a shoe for visually impaired people which enable them to commute independently. It sends alert signals to the person wearing shoes if any object or hurdle comes on the way and hence reduces the chance of any such accident. It is featured by real time tracking of the shoes using mobile application.
- The augmentation allows family members of the concerned person to track their location on the map based mobile phone application
- It facilitates the empowerment of stigmatized, overlooked and ignored section of the society.
- ensures safety of minors (contemporary matter of high concern with increase in abduction of juveniles and disabled)
- makes the wearer “self-reliant”
Developed By:
M. Abhishek Rao
Shiuli Sinha
Wifi Controlled Robot

It is a special purpose robot which help us in surveillance. Its movement is controlled with the help of Wi-Fi and the live footage is received in the mobile phone. We can achieve the live footage from anywhere in the world through the help of robot.
- It is a special purpose robot which help us in getting footage of critical situation like finding the hostage in a building and locating the trapped people inside a building in a natural disaster etc.
Developed By:
Hemant Baghel
Utkarsh Bosht
Shakti- Security App

SHAKTI, an Android Application for Women’s Security that can be instigated by merely pressing the volume and power button together, whenever need arises. Also, through a single click on this app an alert message and an emergency call, along with the victim’s GPS location will be resent automatically to the intended recipients (family & friends) and to the Police Control Room at an interval of every five minutes. A very unique approach to the entire process is that the alert message can also be sent via WhatsApp, which is one of the most commonly used messenger now-a-days. This helps in rescuing the person in danger much more efficaciously and faster.
Developed By:
Kaynat Noor
Medicine Dispenser

A vending machine is a machine which dispenses different products such as food materials beverages etc. just by fulfilling certain inputs required for the machine. This paper includes design of an intelligent vending machine which dispenses medicine as per instructions. Our system modifies existing designs and discusses the role of technologies in these industry transformations. A medicine dispenser is a machine which dispenses medicine strips to the consumer automatically after the consumer tap the button associated with the prescribed medicine type and quantity. The machine has been implemented on the Arduino microcontroller board. This paper aims to design medicine dispenser and it compares different aspects like timing, efficiency and device utilization of the machine. This new system indicates a future possibility of betterment over existing vending machine models.
Developed By:
Arpit Sharma
Efficient Utilization of used water in toilet flush

Washing hands quite often requires more water as at least it takes 20 sec to wash and on an average 12 times a user has to wash his hands in 16 hours. If we remove 8 hours of sleep. Huge amount of water is wasted so we got an idea to use that water in toilet flush and save at least some fresh water from wastage.
The used water is collected in a separate water tank and from there when it is full with the help of cooler pump it manually starts the motor and water is transferred from one storage tank to flush tank, and it is re used. In case storage tank is full then overflow of it can be used for watering plant after filtering up too few extents.
Developed By:
Hemlal Sahu
Shivam Gupta
Hemant Baghel
Antitheft Vehicle Alarm (IoT)
This project is providing a full proof secured environment for the owner to secure their vehicle from theft by using electronic components like NodeMCU (controller), Ultrasonic sensor, Buzzer etc. which will be implemented to the vehicle. If the unauthorized people coming towards the vehicle will get a warning to go away from the region, preventing thievery.
- Anti-theft vehicle alarm is a surveillance system which successfully set a safe environment, it notifies the owners about every action occurs on the vehicle and authorize them to send an alarm as well. The project is therefore concluded to be Notification about theft from anywhere, sending warning tune from anywhere, Works only when someone tries to do mischief, Low-cost system, Easy to handle.