Applied Mathematics

About Department

The department of Applied Mathematics is committed to provide high quality education in the field of Mathematics and its application through programmed teaching with the state of art implements.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that Mathematics is the heart and soul of engineering. No engineering can be complete without a sound grounding in Mathematics. The Department of Applied Mathematics has been commendably carrying out its task of imparting instructions in basic Mathematics courses in first & second year and then offering a number of electives to the senior students. These electives have been tailored keeping in mind the requirements of the present day.

Faculty Profile

1 DR. MANOJ KUMAR CHANDE Professor & Head
2 DR. PRANJALI SHARMA Associate Professor
3 DR. MANOJ KUMAR DEWANGAN Associate Professor
4 MRS. RASHMI VERMA Assistant Professor
5 MRS. PREETI H. HINGE Assistant Professor

Course Outcome - Course: A000212(014) Mathematics-II

C107.1 Apply double and triple integrals in evaluation of areas and volumes.
C107.2 Apply Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss’s divergence theorems in evaluation of Line, Surface and Volume integrals.
C107.3 Solve Exact, linear and Bernoulli’s equations, Euler’s equations,
C107.4 Solve Equations of first order and higher degree: equations solvable for p, equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x and Clairaut’s type.
C107.5 Solve Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients & variable coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation. Power series solutions; Legendre polynomials and their properties, Bessel functions of the first kind and their properties.
C107.6 Understand Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic functions, harmonic functions, finding harmonic conjugate; elementary analytic functions (exponential, trigonometric, logarithm) and their properties; Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations and their properties.
C107.7 Understand Contour integrals, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy Integral formula, Liouville’s theorem and Maximum-Modulus theorem, Taylor’s series, zeros of analytic functions, singularities, Laurent’s series.
C107.8 Apply Cauchy Residue theorem in Evaluation of definite integral involving sine and cosine, Evaluation of certain improper integrals using the Bromwich contour.

Course Outcome - Course: A000112(014) Mathematics-I

C102.1 Find volume of solid of revolution, length of curves (rectification), area under curves (quadrature) using definite integration.
C102.2 Find reduction formula for higher order derivative, Solve definite integral using beta and gamma functions.
C102.3 Find series of continuous functions using Maclaurin’s and Taylor’s series, and evaluate indeterminate forms of limits. Verify Rolles and Mean value theorems.
C102.4 Test convergenc of positive term series, Construct full and half range fourier series for periodic functions.
C102.5 Evaluate Partial derivatives and find maxima and minima of functions of two or three variables using partial differentiation.
C102.6 Evaluate Gradient and directional derivative of a scaler function and Divergence and curl of a vector function.
C102.7 Solve system of homogeneous linear equation an non-homogeneous linear equation using matrix operations including determining the rank, row and coloumn operations and inverse, changing into normal form

Academic Calendar

Applied Mathematics

Available Research Supervisors

  1. Dr. Manoj Kumar Chande
  2. Dr. Pranjali Sharma
  3. Dr. Manoj Kumar Dewangan

List of Available Softwares

  • Latex
  • Matlab
  • Turn it in
  • Grammarly

Research Publications

SCI Scopus UGC Care and Others
02 14 42

Book Chapters

Scopus /SCI others
01 04


Granted Published/Registered
07 04


National International
28 35

FDP/STTP/Workshops - 102

Sponsored Project - 01

Guest Lecture - 04

Applied Physics

About Department

The underlying purpose of Applied Physics Department is simply to impart quality education to the students and realise the fact that Physics is the father of all Science and Engineering. The department has laboratory equipped with modern experimental kits and computational facilities for general physics lab, modern physics lab and optics lab. The department has also set up an R&D lab with basic facilities for carrying out research activities in optical materials and devices

Major facilities in the departmental laboratory includes computerized double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer, Hall effect measurement kit, composite piezo-electric oscillator, ultrasonic cleaner, kit for measuring band gap of a semiconductor using four probe method, triple distillation unit, experimental set up on photoconductivity etc. Faculty members of the department are actively engaged in research and project works.

Faculty Profile

1 Dr. Dhirendra Singh Kshatri Professor & Head
2 Dr. Rishi Jaiswal Assistant Professor
3 Dr. Raju Kumar Chandrakar Assistant Professor
4 Dr. Pradeep Dewangan Associate Professor

Course Outcome - Physics-I

C108.1 Understand the concepts of mechanics of solids, standards, units, conservative and non-conservative forces.
C108.2 Understand the concepts of interference, diffraction, Newton’s rings, and interference by division of wave front using Fresnel’s bi prism and diffraction grating.
C108.3 Understand the behavior of electrostatic and electromagnetic laws.
C108.4 Understand the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and one dimensional problems.
C108.5 Understand the principle of semiconductor physics and their applications.
C108.6 Understand the concepts of electronic materials, classification of materials and band gape.
C108.7 Understand the principle of temporal and spatial coherence of lasers, working and characteristics of Ruby, He-Ne & Nd -YAG lasers, optical fiber, the concepts of holography and propagation of light in an optical fibers through acceptance angle and numerical aperture.

Course Outcome - Applied Physics (New)

C108.1 Understand the concepts of transformation of time and space, time dilation, length contraction, relativistic mass, equivalence of mass and energy, energy and momentum in the context of relativity theory.
C108.2 Understand the nature of elementary particles, controlled and uncontrolled chain reaction, nuclear fission and nuclear reactors and nuclear fusion.
C108.3 Understand the behavior of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, and the working of Aston and Bainbridge mass spectrograph.
C108.4 Understand how ultrasonic waves can be generated by magnetostriction and Piezo-electric oscillators, and the engineering applications of ultrasonic waves.
C108.5 Understand the requirements of an acoustically good hall in terms of reverberation time, absorption coefficient, and the means of meeting those requirements.
C108.6 Understand the concepts of interference, diffraction, Newton’s rings, and interference by division of wave front using Fresnel’s bi prism and diffraction grating
C108.7 Understand the principle of temporal and spatial coherence of lasers, working and characteristics of Ruby, He-Ne and Nd -YAG lasers, optical fiber, the concepts of holography and propagation of light in optical fibers through acceptance angle and numerical aperture.

Solid State Physics Research Laboratory

S.N. Name of Equipments Quantity
1 Electronic Balance 01
2 KBr Pressure Machine 01
3 Magnetic Stirrer 01
4 UV Expose Machine 01
5 High Temperature Furnace (1450 o C) 02
6 Film Making Unit 01
7 Battery Tester 01
8 KBr Die 01
9 Computer with internet facility 03
10 Printer 01

Applied Chemistry

About Department

The sole aim of this department is to inculcate a strong desire among the students to know the chemistry of everything and to apply the knowledge in the real world for the betterment of mankind. The usefulness of Chemistry when applied to solve problems in engineering, agriculture, medicine and in the Industry in particular, is one of the main reasons for including chemistry as a full fledged subject with practical in the curriculum of Engineering. With a view to impart knowledge and support the Institute academically, the most vibrant and active department was established along with the inception of SSIPMT, Raipur.

The department has also set up an R&D lab with basic facilities for carrying out research activities in the field of Analytical chemistry & Environment chemistry.Major facilities in the departmental laboratory includes , UV-VIS spectrophotometer,Flame photometer,Water testing kit and water distillation plant .

Faculty Profile

1 Dr. Supriya Biswas Head
2 Dr. Rakesh Singh Dhundhel Associate Professor
3 Dr. Vipin Kumar Soni Assistant Professor
4 Dr. Reena Mathur Associate Professor

Course Outcomes

C103.1 Understand the microscopic chemistry in terms of atomic and molecular orbital’s and intermolecular forces.
C103.2 Understand the concepts of ligand field theory and measures crystal field stabilization energy
C103.3 Distinguish the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum used for exciting different molecular energy levels in various spectroscopic techniques.
C103.4 Rationalise bulk properties and processes using thermodynamic considerations
C103.5 Rationalise periodic properties such as ionisation potential, electro negativity, Oxidation states.
C103.6 Understand the mechanisms of chemical reactions that are used in the synthesis of molecules.

Course Outcome - Applied Chemistry

C103.1 Understand the requirements of water in terms of alkalinity and hardness, water for domestic use, water softening processes such as Lime-Soda process, Zeolite and ion exchange method, boiler feed water, boiler problems like scale, sludge, priming and foaming, caustic embitterment, their causes and prevention methods, removal of silica, dissolved gases, carbonate and phosphate conditioning, colloidal conditioning, calgon treatment.
C103.2 Understand the combustion and chemical principle of solid and liquid fuels and determination of the gross and net calorific values by bomb calorimeter.
C103.3 Understand octane number, cetane number, fractional distillation of petroleum, analysis of fuel gases, high and low temperature carbonization, manufacture of coke by Otto Hoffman oven.
C103.4 Understand the principles, mechanism and protective measures against corrosion, working of primary cells, secondary batteries, fuel cells and solar cells.
C103.5 Understand the properties of cement, lubricants and polymers including polyethylene, Teflon, PVC, nylon, phenol formaldehyde, elastomers and natural rubber.
C103.6 Apply Industrial methods for production of industrial chemicals including Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Sulphate, Bromine, Calcium Phosphate, Chromic Acid, Acrylonitrile, Benzene, Butyl Acetate, Caprolactam, Carbon Tetrachloride, Cellulose Acetate, Cresol, Chloroform, Ether, Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerine, Melamine, and Explosives like TNT, TNB, Dynamite, R.D.X, and Nitrocellulose, calculation of oxygen balance.

Applied Chemistry

Available Research Supervisors

  1. Dr. Supriya Biswas (Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, SSIPMT, Raipur)
  2. Dr. Rakesh singh Dhundhel (Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, SSIPMT, Raipur)
  3. Dr. Vipin Kumar Soni (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, SSIPMT, Raipur)

List of Available Software

  • Chemsketch
  • i-Thenticate (Plagiarism Check)


Category Name of Organization
Institutional Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.),
Institutional Kalinga University, Naya Raipur (C.G.)
Institutional Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai (C.G.)
Institutional Shriram Institute- Technology Business Incubator, Delhi

Sponsored Projects

Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution (INR in Lakhs)

S.No. Name of the research project/ endowment Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Department of Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/non-Government)
1 Determination of Paraquat pesticides in vegetable and water sample using silver nano particles at Raipur District. Dr. Rakesh Singh Dhundhel First Year 2019-20 1.50 1 Year TEQIP III Government
2 Determination of organophosphorous pesticides in vegetable and water samples at Abhanpur area Dr. Rakesh Singh Dhundhel First Year 2019-20 1.50 1 Year TEQIP III Government
3 Syrthesis Characterization & bactericidal activity ofphosphate ester having C-N-P linkage Dr. Jaya Singh First Year 2019-20 2.00 1 year TEQIP III Government


About Department

The Department of Humanities offers a blend of traditional and contemporary understanding of communication. The program presents a balance of humanistic and scientific instruction including communication skills wherein it is advocated that to function effectively in teaching, business, law, the communication professions, public service, politics and management one must master this scientific art. Students have an opportunity to explore the full range of human communication.

Faculty Profile

1 Dr. Seema Arora Associate Professor
2 Dr. Ritu Benjamin Assistant Professor
3 Mr. Gurpreet Singh Saund Assistant Professor

Course Outcomes

C109.1 Understand the process, principles and barriers to communication including ways to overcome barriers in order to communicate confidently in formal and informal contexts.
C109.2 Recognize speech sounds and speak with proper stress, rhythm, accent and intonation.
C109.3 Exhibit word power with the use of wide vocabulary range like root words, prefixes, suffixes, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms and one word substitution.
C109.4 Comprehend the underlying rules and patterns of grammar through forms and functions of grammatical units like Parts of Speech, Subject-Verb Concord, Tenses, Voice and Narration, Punctuations, Redundancies and Clichés, in order to speak and write correct English.
C109.5 Enhance understanding of the given text by critical thinking and evaluation.
C109.6 Draft effective business correspondence, technical reports and precis with brevity and clarity.
C109.7 Exhibit effective listening, oral and written communication skills in the professional context.

Course Outcomes

C102.1 Understand the process, elements, medium,7 C's,verbal, non-verbal, formal and informal communication including barriers to effective communication to be a better professional.
C102.2 Understand how to draft covering letter with resume, tenders, quotations, technical and lab reports for effective communication
C102.3 Understand the types of writing- expository, descriptive and argumentative, including summarization of longer passages for effective communication.
C102.4 Comprehend the read material in order to answer the reading comprehension passages.
C102.5 Understand the nuances of English language with special emphasis on grammatical structures- errors of accidence and syntax with reference to Parts of Speech; Agreement between Subject and Verb; Tense and Concord; Use of Connectives, Question tags. Voice and Narration, Punctuation and Vocabulary Building (Antonym, Synonym, Verbal Analogy and One Word Substitution) in order to speak and write correct English
C102.6 Speak clearly and fluently in formal situations – Meetings, Seminars, Conferences, Interviews and Presentations.
C102.7 Understand the difference between American and British English, use of modern communication devices and how to become a good telephonic conversationalist and an effective listener.

Mechanical Engineering

About Department

Mechanical Engineering is one of the broad based and oldest branches of engineering encompassing areas of materials, machines, energy, fluid, design and manufacturing. Mechanical engineers design machines and mechanical systems, engines, motor vehicles, aircrafts, satellites, power plants, building energy systems, manufacturing systems, robots, control systems, medical equipment, and consumer products.

Course Outcome - Engineering Graphics & Design

CO-1 To Understand principal of engineering drawing and their significance, lines, lettering, dimensioning.
CO-2 Select, Construct and Interpret appropriate drawing scale as per the situation.
CO-3 Understand basic principal and method of first and third angle projection.
CO-4 Understand the concept of orthographic projection and isometric projection and ableto draw orthographic views and isometric drawing.
CO-5 Understand the benefits and limitation of CAD Software’s and able to draw 2D diagram using different coordinate system.
CO-6 Understand the uses of drawing tools, dimensioning and annotation of AutoCAD and able to use different auto cad command.
CO-7 Understand the types of three dimensional model, basic primitives tools, solid editing tools, modifying tools, copying tools and able to draw 3D models.

Course Outcome - Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (New)

C110.1 Understand the concepts of laws of mechanics, drawing, free body diagram, including the solution of numerical problems on equilibrium of concurrent and coplanar forces subjected to point loads.
C110.2 Understand the concepts of rigid, under rigid, over rigid truss and force in members of rigid truss by use of joint method and section method.
C110.3 Understand the concepts of limiting laws of friction, angle of friction, angle of repose, cone of friction and the solution of numerical problems based on wedge friction.
C110.4 Analyse the concept of moment of inertia, product of inertia, its principles and determination by direct integration including computation of the moment of inertia, comprising of rectangle, circle, semicircle and triangle.
C110.5 Understand the concept of D’alembert’s principle and its application to blocks kept in an inclined plane to determine the velocity and acceleration and analyse work energy principle in case of spring mass system and impulse momentum principle.
C110.6 Understand the concepts of thermodynamic property, system, cycle, quasi process, zeroth law of thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics and determine the work done and heat transfer in closed system.
C110.7 Deduce the expression of steady flow energy equation with assumptions and calculate the enthalpy, velocity, change in internal energy of turbine, blower, compressor and heat exchanger.

Civil Engineering

About Department

Civil Engineering is one of the most diverse professions. Civil Engineers are needed to design and create new structures and also, for their lifelong maintenance. They have the biggest opportunity to serve the society. They have the privilege to provide a strong foundation for the overall development of the country.

Course Outcome - Basic Civil Engineering

C109.1 Understand the concept of building materials like bricks, cement, stone and steel and their uses.
C109.2 Understand the properties of mortar, concrete, aggregates along with their uses and the drawing of building plans, their cross-sections and identification of conventional symbols.
C109.3 Understand the basic concept of surveying, their types and equipments used.
C109.4 Understand the basic concept of leveling, their types, equipments used and concept of contouring and its characteristics.
C109.5 Understand the various types of foundations along with different bearing capacity of soil including concept of load bearing and framed structure.

Civil Engineering

About Department

Electronics & Telecommunication is a branch dealing with the design of electronic devices like chips, microprocessors, VLSI design, embedded systems etc. It also includes communication part which primarily focuses on the sharing and transfer of information from one place to another.

All the companies manufacturing local wrist watches, washing machines, refrigerators, LED TVs, huge turbines, smart phones, marine ships, train, airplanes and all chip designing companies, automobile manufacturing giants recruit Electronics and Telecommunication graduates.

Course Outcome - Elements of Electrical Engineering (New)

C105.1 Understand the basic concepts of DC networks
C105.2 Understand the relation between electrical and magnetic quantities
C105.3 Apply the knowledge of basic laws to electric and magnetic circuits.
C105.4 Analyze the series, parallel and series-parallel combined ac circuits.
C105.5 Acquire knowledge about working principle, construction and losses of a transformer.
C105.6 Understand the working, characteristics and applications of diodes.
C105.7 Understand the construction, working, characteristics and applications of a transistor.

Computer Science Engineering

About Department

The department of Computer Science & Engineering presently offers undergraduate (BE) study program. The curriculum of Computer Science & Engineering covers all software & related hardware part of computing as per Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai (CSVTU) syllabus with its cohesive team of faculty members.

The institute develops professionals who have good knowledge of latest technology which are viable in the market and necessary for the basic concept and advance research such as Programming, Computer Network, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Compiler Design, Computer Graphics, Data Mining & Ware Housing etc. Computer Science & and Engineering Department has a unique blend of faculty and facilities that offers students a rare opportunity to do research and learn Computer Science in new collaborative ways.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was started in the year 2008 and has a set of well qualified and experienced faculty with state of the art laboratories to meet the quality education required for present challenging social and industrial needs. The department takes initiative in conducting co-curricular and extracurricular activities along with the academics. Core facilities such as fully fledged common computer center, internet lab, seminar halls, library, and audio & video exhibits are available in the department to give the academic program the required thrust.

Course Outcome - Fundamentals of Computer

1 To familiar with Computer Fundamental
2 To know about MS Office.
3 To use different text, spreadsheet and presentation skill.
4 To apply different applications

Course Outcome - Programming for Problem Solving

1 Understand the difference between computer hardware & software and analyse problem and design algorithm in pseudo code.
2 Analyse data representation for fundamental data types and use them in problem solving.
3 Analyse data representation for fundamental data types and use them in problem solving.
4 Create a solution for given problem using functions and understand the message passing between different function.
5 Understand the pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs and apply the concept of file handling to design the program which is capable of reading from file and writing to the file.