Computer Science Association

CSA, an acronym for Computer Science Association is the disciplinary association for the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at SSIPMT, Raipur. It was formed in the year 2011. CSA stands as a powerful learning platform with substantial inflow of senior guidance and mentorship. The association has an open nature, thus allowing the convergence of Computer Science enthusiasts from all streams of study. CSA is well-known for organizing series of lectures and talks on various emerging technologies, quizzing, coding and sports events around the year. We are also conduct seminars and workshops on up-coming technologies like IOT, Microsoft Windows Phone-8, Cyber Security, Android, PHP, etc.
The basic aim and objective of this association is to promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of theory and practice of Computer Science apart from regular curriculum. CSA always provides opportunity to students to improve their overall personality such as:
- Professional Attitude
- Managerial Skills
- Team work
- Communication Skills
Some of the significant events are listed below:
- National Workshop on “Object Oriented Design Pattern & Agile Boot Camp” By Dr. Anirban Basu (Key Designer of Super Computer PARAM and Mr. Vinay Krishna (Agile Methodology Guru)
- Inauguration of CSI Students Chapter
- Techno Viz Workshop
- State Level Students Convention